JUBIZOL Dash Render

JUBIZOL Dash Render is a high-quality, traditional-looking dry dash system that combines a through-coloured dash render receiver with decorative aggregates.

Designed for both the JUBIZOL External Wall Insulation System and as a standalone render-only system, it provides a durable and aesthetically pleasing finish for any façade. The render is applied in a single coat, with an 8-10mm thick layer of JUB Dash Receiver onto a dry base coat. Once applied, washed aggregates are thrown onto the wet surface to create a dense, uniform coverage. The particles are then tamped into the receiver using a wooden float to ensure a strong bond and long-lasting finish. This method ensures that the render is both durable and attractive.

JUBIZOL Dash Render offers a wide range of colours, including White, Ivory, Cream, Buff, Fawn, Beige, Chestnut, Brick Red, Grey and Chocolate. Its traditional appearance combined with modern durability makes it an ideal solution for projects requiring a classic look with high-performance standards.

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