Trend is JUB's advanced heat-reflective render, designed specifically to allow the use of darker, bolder colours without compromising performance.

Achieving a truly dark-coloured render has historically been challenging due to the increased absorption of solar radiation, which results in excessive surface heating. The darker the colour, the more heat it absorbs, often leading to thermal cracking, colour fading and an accelerated aging process.

In response, JUB has developed a ground-breaking tinting process that incorporates advanced IR Reflexion technology into one of our premium topcoat renders. This innovation now makes it possible to specify dark-coloured renders with light intensity levels as low as 5, even when used in External Wall Insulation systems. Best of all, this breakthrough ensures that long-term performance and overall product costs remain unaffected, providing a durable and aesthetically versatile solution for darker finishes.

As the name implies, IR Reflexion has the ability to reflect the infrared part of the light spectrum and by doing so can have a 40% higher Total Solar Reflectance meaning the surface will not warm up as much.

With the tangible benefits IR Reflexion, which can reduce the surface temperature of the render by 15 degrees Celsius, there are no more barriers to using dark renders.

The Trend topcoat and can be used on all types of buildings including large areas, south facing facades and will not require any form of paint coat to gain a consistent finish.     

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